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Ten Second Interview with Simon Murphy
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Author of
The Valentine Rose
The Murders of Muchrose Village

Binnacle: Where are you now and what is the view like?

Simon: I'm sat at my computer and have a view over my rather green (8ft tall hedges all around) garden, I like solitude it helps me think...sometimes!!

Binnacle: How would you describe yourself in ten words or less?

Simon: Mmmm...Tall, slim...ok the truth. Short, fat and witty.

Binnacle: Which of your childhood books influenced you the most?

Simon: I really enjoyed Harry Harrison The Stainless Steel Rat books and Spaceship Medic by the same author (still got this book and I enjoy it even now).

Binnacle: Who is your literary hero/heroine?

Simon: To be honest I would say, Christoff Stern, a character out of my book The Valentine Rose (Hope that doesn't sound too big headed). I enjoyed how I drew the character and how he developed throughout the story. He lost a lot family, friends, beliefs and hope yet he struggled to overcome defeat and he triumphed over his fears and the desperate situations that he was thrown into. I would like to think that I could as brave.

Binnacle: Who/what is your greatest passion?

Simon: I suppose I should put writing but alas no; my greatest passion is my family.

Binnacle: Who/what is your bete noir?

Simon: I dislike ignorant people who pull other people or other peoples work to pieces. I'm all for critique but it has to be fair and helpful. I also dislike proof reading (shudder), a lack of doing it shows in my work...the odd spelling mistake, punctuation...

Binnacle: What is the best piece of 'writing' advice you ever received?

Simon: Stuff em! If they don't like it TOUGH!!

Binnacle: What is the best piece of 'writing' advice you could give?

Simon: Write for you and enjoy yourself!

Binnacle: What are you reading at the moment?

At the moment I'm reading Insanity Never Sleeps Anthony Hulse (I know the author and said that would read his book). I keep getting so far into it but then have to break off to do other things, I then have to keep going back and re-read it! One day I will finish it!

Find Simon's work at Historical Fiction and Novels & Fiction

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